Supplier Catalogues

1 Stop Promos and Events has kept its doors open since 2007. Each year growing from strength to strength. Till today I will never forget my first sale. After months of fear and struggling with the idea of whether I made the right choice, I was contacted by a customer interested in our products. The customer asked me if I can provide them with gift bags… a few gift bags.

I was seriously doubting my daughter’s excitement, wondering how selling gift bags are going to provide a future for me.A few gift bags, grew to a few items of clothing, which grew to large orders for corporate clothing. Today we supply large businesses with their corporate clothing, gifts and even designing sportwear for schools. We are now in the position of supplying our customers with all their branding, clothing and corporate gift needs. 9 years later, my daughter has resigned from the corporate environment to join me in business.

Today I can honestly say “Thank you” and I now know why you were excited to start the business in 2007. Lastly, I want to thank each and every customer (most of whom have become friends) for their business and support since we opened our doors.